School Rubric

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Samantha Fecich página del autor

Hi! I am Dr. Sam Fecich, I am a professor of education at Grove City College. I work with future teachers in areas related to special education and educational technology. I am also the author of EduMAgic: A Guide for Preservice Teachers and a podcast designed just for future teachers, called EduMagic. I am a huge fan of pumpkin spice lattes (PSL) and binging Netflix shows like The Office. I look forward to connecting with you!

Haciendo realidad la magia (Edu)

Soy la Dra. Samantha (Sam) Fecich, profesora asistente en la...

Cooperativas virtuales

Los maestros cooperativos son educadores que visitamos durante nuestras experiencias...

Es tu desarrollo profesional: ¡poseelo!

Una característica distintiva de un educador de excelencia es tener...