About Course
First of all, note that this is an asynchronous course. That means there are no live events scheduled at specific times. You can log in to the course and complete activities throughout the week at your own pace, at the times and on the days that are most convenient for you.
Despite its asynchronous nature, there are still structures in place for the duration of the course.
The material is organized into five weekly modules. Each module will be taught by Natalie Vardabasso and will cover a different topic through videos, presentations, readings and discussion forums. There will be a quiz each week to test the knowledge you’ve gained through the course materials. The weekly quizzes, and weekly participation in the discussion forums, are the basic requirements for earning a certificate of participation at the end of the course.
This course is very flexible, and if you are behind with the materials, you have the entire length of the course to complete them. We do recommend you complete each of the following before the end of each week so you don’t fall behind:
• Video lectures
• Readings and handouts/exercises
• Participation in the discussion forums
• Quizzes covering concepts from video lectures and/or readings
Learning Targets for each Module
- Introduction
- Outcomes-Based Assessment
- I understand the knowledge, skills and attitudes my students will need to thrive in the future.
- I apply criteria to my curricular outcomes/standards to determine what is most essential for my students to know and be able to do by the end of the year.
- Peer-Assessment
- I understand how community building can create a safe and inclusive classroom culture that supports peer assessment
- I can use cooperative structures to help students co-regulate their learning
- Self-Assessment
- I understand the self-regulated learning cycle
- I can employ different strategies to support students throughout the self-regulated learning cycle
- Effective Feedback
- I appreciate how feedback has the potential to inhibit further learning, especially when it includes grades/scores
- I can determine which kind of feedback to provide by engaging in dialogue with learners
- Designing for Learning Transfer
- I understand how learning moves between the phases of surface level, deep learning, and transfer.
- I can choose the right type of assessment for the different phases of learning
For the next six weeks we will challenge the understanding of assessment as a series of events that teachers use to measure and grade student learning by exploring how our students can use assessment to drive their own learning journey.
Course Curriculum
Introductory Module
03:15 -
Module 1 – Outcomes-Based Assessment
00:00 -
Module 2 – Peer Assessment
00:00 -
Module 3 – Self-Assessment
00:00 -
Module 4 – Effective Feedback
00:00 -
Module 5 – Designing for Learning Transfer